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July 15, 2024 0 Comments

Quitting Tobacco in India: NRT vs. Cold Turkey - Decoding the Best Approach for You

Embarking on a tobacco control journey is a commendable endeavor that demands careful consideration of strategies. The choice between Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) and the formidable Cold Turkey method becomes a pivotal crossroads. In this blog, we delve into the nuances of these two distinct approaches, aiming to decode the best path for each individual's unique journey towards tobacco cessation. Whether you lean towards gradual withdrawal with the aid of NRT or prefer the abrupt cessation advocated by Cold Turkey, understanding the merits and challenges of each method is vital.

What is NRT?

NRT, or Nicotine Replacement Therapy, is a scientifically backed approach to quitting tobacco. It involves providing the body with a controlled amount of nicotine through products like gums and lozenges. The objective is to gradually reduce nicotine dependence, making the quitting process more manageable.

Different Types of NRT

NRT offers various products, each catering to different preferences and needs. The most common types include nicotine gum, patches, lozenges, inhalers, and nasal sprays. Nicosure gums and lozenges are nicotine products that provide a controlled release of nicotine, helping users manage withdrawal symptoms and cravings. You must also check out our NRT guide to quit tobacco to learn more about it.

How Does NRT Help in Quitting Tobacco?

The benefits of NRT are many. NRT therapy works by supplying the body with a controlled dose of nicotine, alleviating withdrawal symptoms and cravings associated with quitting tobacco. The gradual reduction of nicotine intake allows individuals to adjust more comfortably, reducing the likelihood of relapse. Nicosure's NRT products offer a convenient and discreet way to integrate this therapy into daily life.

What is Cold Turkey? What Happens When a Person Quits Cold Turkey?

Quitting cold turkey refers to abruptly stopping tobacco use without any assistance or gradual reduction. While some people may find the benefits of quitting cold turkey outweighing other methods, for many it can be challenging due to the abrupt withdrawal of nicotine. Common withdrawal symptoms include irritability, mood swings, cravings, and difficulty concentrating. The severity of these symptoms varies from person to person.

NRT vs. Cold Turkey



Cold Turkey

Nicotine Withdrawal

Gradual, managed withdrawal

Abrupt, intense withdrawal

Craving Management

Controlled with NRT products

Relies on willpower alone

Symptom Severity

Reduced intensity of symptoms

Intense withdrawal symptoms


Tailored to individual needs

One-size-fits-all approach

How to Quit Cold Turkey

While you know what it means to go cold turkey, it’s also important to know that choosing this way requires a strong commitment and determination. Here are some tips to navigate this challenging approach:

  • Set a Quit Date: Choose a specific date to quit and mentally prepare for the change.
  • Seek Support: Inform friends and family about your decision, seeking emotional support during challenging times.
  • Find Alternatives: Replace tobacco habits with healthier alternatives, such as chewing gum or engaging in physical activities.
  • Stay Busy: Keep yourself occupied to reduce the focus on cravings.
  • Professional Help: Consider consulting a healthcare professional for guidance and support.

Quitting tobacco is a commendable decision, and the approach you choose depends on your individual preferences and needs. NRT, as exemplified by Nicosure's nicotine gums and lozenges, offers a scientifically proven method with higher reported success rates. On the other hand, quitting cold turkey requires a strong will and determination, but success rates may vary. Ultimately, the key is to find a method that aligns with your lifestyle and provides the necessary support during this challenging journey. Whether you opt for NRT or decide to quit cold turkey, the most important factor is your commitment to a healthier, tobacco-free life.
But there are more ways to kick the habit! Explore different methods to find your perfect fit. Check out our blog on Strategies and other different ways on how to quit tobacco, discover alternative approaches and create a personalized quitting plan.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How to cope with triggers after quitting tobacco?

    Identify triggers, create coping plans, seek support, practice relaxation techniques, and stay active. These strategies help manage situations or emotions that may induce the urge to use tobacco, fostering long-term success.

  2. What are the best alternative products for tobacco replacement?

    Consider nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) products like nicotine gums and lozenges and behavioral alternatives. These options offer satisfying experiences without the harmful effects of tobacco, aiding in the quitting process.
    Nicosure Nicotine Gums and Lozenges are designed to reduce withdrawal symptoms, including nicotine cravings associated with quitting smoking, quitting chewed tobacco, and gutkha containing tobacco.

  3. How to treat nicotine withdrawal symptoms?

    Stay hydrated, engage in regular exercise, maintain a healthy diet, consider NRT, and join support groups. These approaches help alleviate withdrawal symptoms, providing effective strategies for managing the challenges of quitting tobacco.